Medicare Set-Asides

At Champion Settlement Services, we prepare accurate and precise Medicare Set-Aside allocations for injured Medicare beneficiaries who are trying to resolve a bodily injury No-Fault and/or Liability claim. We can also advise you on compliance and other complexities that arise under the Medicare Secondary Payer Act. Our team has a deep familiarity with Medicare Secondary Payer law, policies, statutes, regulations, and guidelines. Under some circumstances, future medical treatment needs may be considered not only by the parties to the settlement but also by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These allocations facilitate settlement while also protecting the beneficiary’s future Medicare entitlements.

An MSA is a financial agreement allocating a portion of a settlement, judgment, award or other payment to be set aside to pay for future Medicare-covered medical expenses. By law, the Medicare Trust is to be protected from making payments for medical expenses when a liability insurance or no-fault insurance plan exists. Medicare is not to be billed for future medical services until the funds set aside are exhausted by payments to medical providers, suppliers and facilities for services that would otherwise be paid by Medicare. An MSA is a tool designed to forecast future medical treatment needs so that enough money can be saved to fund medical costs for the rest of a Beneficiary’s life. When an MSA is properly allocated, funded and managed, a Beneficiary is fully protected and can settle his or her claim knowing that future injury-related, Medicare-covered medical treatment needs will be covered.

When is a person a Medicare Beneficiary?

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, Medicare is available for all people meeting certain citizenship and work history requirements who are:

* 65 years of age or older;
* In receipt of Social Security Disability benefits for 24 months or longer;
* Suffering from End Stage Renal Disease (kidney dialysis or kidney transplant patients may qualify);
* Suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); or
* In receipt of a disability pension from the Railroad Retirement Board and meet certain conditions

If you are a Medicare Beneficiary, you will want to understand how your settlement, judgment, award or other payment may impact your Medicare entitlement, as well as possible entitlements to other benefits, such as Social Security Disability Benefits, Social Security Income Benefits, and/or Medicaid entitlements. It is important that your Medicare Set-Aside is not only properly allocated, but also that the account is diligently and responsibly managed. We can assist with any and all of your needs.

Have Questions about an MSA? Contact Champion Settlement Services.

If you have questions about a Medicare Set-Aside, contact Champion Settlement Services. We will review your claim to make certain that your future medical needs are assured and that you are fully protected.