Life Care Plans

Whether it is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or another catastrophic injury, our credentialed and licensed nurse Life Care Planners offer comprehensive allocations for those suffering serious bodily injury. Even when outlining the most complex and sophisticated of lifetime needs, Champion Settlement Services’ Life Care Plans are prepared expeditiously and with sensitivity. Our Life Care Planners are courtroom experienced and prepared to testify to their conclusions and undergo inquiry with assurance.

What are Life Care Plans and how do they help?

Life Care Plans (LCP) help people with chronic injuries or illnesses specify their anticipated ongoing medical requirements and quantify the cost of supplying the injured person with medical goods, services and supportive items for the duration of their life.

Life Care Plans identify qualitative and quantitative medical and quality-of-life needs for seriously injured and disabled individuals to ensure they are able to adequately plan for the future.

Generally, Life Care Plans include:

  • Case Overview
  • Description of Pertinent Injuries and Illnesses
  • Review of Records
  • Specific Medical Requirements for Treatment
  • Interview and Physical Examination
  • Projection of Future Care Costs
  • Summary of Diagnoses

Catastrophic Life Care Plans outline treatment costs and needs for those living with a permanent physical or mental impairment who have lost the ability to do daily life activities. Non-Catastrophic Life Care Plans detail treatment costs and needs for those living with a permanent, chronic illness or physical impairment who can perform some tasks but with noted difficulty and a diminished quality of life.

In Need of a Life Care Plan? Call Champion Settlement Services Today.

Part of your settlement process should include looking at the big picture—how are you or a loved one going to move forward following this devastating event? If you know that there are looming medical costs that will follow you for the rest of your life and impact your ability to follow a daily life routine, contact us. We want to help.