Medical Cost Projections
Did you know that in a personal injury case if you have suffered a bodily injury there are specific categories for compensation when your case concludes? The legal term for these categories is “damages.” One of the largest categories for damages is the cost of future medical care. Because estimated future medical care is a vital way to value the cost of your settlement, judgment or award, it is essential that skilled experts evaluate your needs and create reports that are clear, thoroughly researched and prepared to withstand challenge.
At Champion Settlement Services, we prepare precise and reasonable future Medical Cost Projections for injured parties to assist with estimating future medical needs and resolving claims with confidence. Our projections are delivered with efficiency and accuracy, representing the industry’s best turnaround times and unmatched quality. Our projections are designed to be unequivocal and are carefully documented.
What is a Medical Cost Projection (MCP)?
A Medical Cost Projection (MCP) is an allocation of future medical expenses, which can be utilized to value the medical aspect of your settlement judgment, award or other payment when concluding your case.
A settlement agreement following a personal injury should include a Medical Cost Projection (MCP), consisting of funds designated for medical expenses that are related to the injury. These projections may include Medicare-covered and non Medicare-covered treatment, providing a complete assessment of future needs.
Need Champion Settlement Services to Assist In Your MCP?
When you choose Champion Settlement Services to assist in your Medical Cost Projections, you are guaranteed the best turn-around times in the industry. Our medical experts document and project the future costs of care including surgeries, office visits, therapy, tests, equipment aids, and medications. Contact us today to learn more and resolve with confidence.